Pictures from the Field
Atacama Desert, Chile
Sampling for lipid biomarkers and microbial habitability in the hyperarid core and across the precipitation gradient in the Yungay region. Also, part of the NASA ARADS project to test life-detections payloads.
photo credit: Victor Robles
photo credit: Victor Robles
photo credit: Victor Robles
green color from the extremophiles living in salt crusts
photo credit: Victor Robles
photo credit: Victor Robles
photo credit: Victor Robles
La Mano del Desierto near Antofagasta, 2014
Lake Untersee, Antarctica
Sampling lake microbial mats and freeze-dried biomass, geological mapping over a two month time frame in a Mars and Icy-Moon analog lake system to understand the preservation of organic molecules under cold and dry conditions.
~1000 year old dried biomass from microbial mats
Ejsa Plateau, Iceland
Research project to understand the habitability and biomarker preservation in gully systems.
Max standing inside a gully channel.
Central Andes, Argentina
Field Mapping in the Central Andes
Mojave Desert and Death Valley, California
NASA Spaceward Bound lecturer and bacterial soil crust study.
Field Methods in Volcanology in the SW US (Georgia Tech course).
~1 Gyr stromatolites near Death Valley
Racetrack Playa, Death Valley
Dumont Sand Dunes
Bomb sag deposit in the Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley
Climbing the Kelso Dunes
Soda Dry Lake near Zyzzx, CA
Southeastern Utah
Field-testing of the University of North Dakota NDX-1 Space Suit. Spaceward Bound Field trips.
Model of the Mars Science Laboratory at NASA Science Day on the Hill.
The historic Hangar 1 at Moffett Field.
Wilhelm Lab Summer 2018
Division of Planetary Science Panel at the Russell Senate Office Building. Photo credit: Henry Throop
Division of Planetary Science Panel at the Russell Senate Office Building. Photo credit: Henry Throop
President Obama's Visit to NASA Ames 2012.
Trip to the Allen Telescope Array in 2008
Guest on ABC's Windy City Live in 2015.
Post-PhD Defense, 2017
1st Grade Science Project about Planetary Science
Sampling a thrombolitic bioherm in Green Lake, NY
Pavilion Lake Research Project, 2009